Monday, January 19, 2015

A Few Of My Favorite Things

1) Bose Speakers: Music is a huge part of my life and it helps me focus on the things that matter the most.

2) Tap Shoes: I have been dancing for over 14 years and I could not imagine my life without dance. It brings me close to other people and it helps me discover who I really am.

3) Candle: They are soothing, relaxing, and refreshing. I can wind down after a long day with a candle and a good book.

4) Sketch Pad: I like to be able to sketch things that come into my head and it is nice to always have it with me in case I am inspired by something.

5) Lipstick and Mascara: Make-up allows me to feel beautiful and it allows me to experiment with different looks.

6) My Cell Phone: I do not go anywhere without my cell phone. It allows me to connect to anyone in the world in an instant.